Card Range
Select your card numbers here
Amano MJR time cards - Printed on two sides.
Card Range: 100 - 199
Also available:
200-299, 300-399, 400-499, 500-599
600-699, 700-799, 800-899, 900-999
Custom range orders may add up to 5 days to delivery
We see this in packing - manufacturing - plants where there are several clocks.
If you have two or more clocks, use different card ranges. We will tell you EXACTLY how to set this up. It's easy.
Using different card ranges on each machine prevents employees from walking cards from one clock to the next, creating a mess for payroll.

website search terms: A11P, A11P1M, A11P-1M, MJR time cards, amano time cards, amano repairs, amano service, MJR7000, MJR7000EZ, MJR8000, Stromberg 8000, MJR8150, amano time cards