Amano TimeGuardian MTX-30 Bell Scheduling Software Screenshot
Notice how easy it is to select what you want.
Notice that you can control how long each ring is.
Substitute loud buzzers for bells if that works for you.

Amano TimeGuardian MTX-30P Proximity Clock with Bell System
In the box:
1 MTX-30P clock terminal with mounting plate, hardware and power supply*
* Non Wi-Fi version. WiFi upgrade is available.
1 Ethernet cable
20 resable Amano RFID Badges (you can order more, and also get Amano KeyFobs)
1 TimeGuardian Software on CD - call for USB, same price
1 External custom bell/buzzer power supply, 110V output
50' Bell and Buzzer insulated power wire rated at 10A/240V
2 Loud 120V fire bells
Everything comes with a two year guarantee
Additional MTX-30P terminals can be used to ring bells in other buildings. They share the same master schedule, synchronize to your networks time.