uAttend BN6500 LAN + WiFi
The BN6500 is a state-of-the-art facial recognition time clock that connects effortlessly to the Internet using any wired router or WiFi system, allowing you to perform time and attendance functions from any computer with Internet access. The BN6500 is part of the uAttend Employee Management System, a web-based service that allows for employees to punch in and out from the BN6500 from a computer, a smart phone app, or from a standard telephone.
Includes: 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Unlimited employees
- Multiple punch options: Face,or Proximity
- Reads fingers, or in high-turnover environments, Proximity Cards (10 are included),
or optional Proximity Key Fobs
- Biometric algorithm fingerprint recognition security
- Connections: Cable to your network, or WiFi
- Free Lifetime product replacement
- Easy department transfers by the employee, at the clock
- Large Color Display, put your company logo on it
- Remote Firmware Updates - never gets "outdated"
- DHCP (Dynamic connection) or Static Environments
- Designated Break and Lunch Punches:
Employees can punch for break and lunch or can use automatic deductions
- Scheduling: Includes unlimited (and rotating) employee schedules
- Two Levels of Approval: Supervisor and administrator can be set, then
approved time off approval code shows on the employees time card
- Includes exports to Processing Point and CSV, additional exports are available
- Instantly updates punches, feature-rich online reporting system
- Lifetime technical support and training
Activation: Click on this image to begin the signup process: 
Enter this Dealer ID number: DA7BG
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Watch this one: How to set it up