Buzzer and Digital Clock In-A-Box - Ring up to 72 events across a 7 day week. That's enough for 3 shifts, 24/7/365.
Example, having the buzzer go off at 7AM, 7 days a week, is one event. Not seven.
Each basic kit includes:
- One Made-In-USA Pyramid 7000 master clock timer, with variable bell lengths
- One 24VDC to 120VAC relay, pre-wired and installed for you, inside the 7000
- You can set it up with three buttons.
- One Edwards 120VAC 102dB adjustable industrial grade steel case work shift horns.
---- add up to 9 more on this circuit
- 50' of twin stranded speaker cable to connect the bells (go out to 500' if you like!)
- Mounting hardware for the 7000 master clock timer.
- One 4" tall super-bright red on high contrast black background 4 digit digital display
---- add up to 9 more on this circuit. Each digital clock needs a 120V plug near it.
- 90 days of factory technical support, one year product replacement warranty.
Call Pyramid, or call US.
- Add more buzzers and more clocks as needed.